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围观: 归属:经典语句 时间:2015-05-31 10:04



1、The local ruffians rogue地痞无赖

2、You're a fucking disgrace你他妈的真丢人

3、ust wait and see,i won't let you get away with that 咱们走着瞧,我不会让你得逞的

4、No face beasts没有脸的禽兽

5、Stupid sad 蠢得伤心

6、lascivious and degrading is your nature淫贱就是你的本性

7、当你发现工作中有人总是找你麻烦,故意和你做对,可你又要和他(她)同事时你可以说、"Look, I know you don't like me, but I think we should be professional while we work."

8、Stupid moron蠢到极点的窝囊废

9、Big melon eggs大瓜蛋

10、Eat shit up吃翔长大的

11、You rotten shame on you你臭不要脸

12、Bitch not Bitchy, is bullshit.贱人不犯贱,纯属扯淡

13、The ugly PigHea这丑陋的猪头

14、Watch your mouth,Do you know who you're talking to 说话客气一点 你知到你在和谁说话吗

15、Outer space monster外太空的怪物

16、You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!

17、Evil creature, roll away point孽障,滚远点

18、Idiot plus three白痴加三级

19、Bloated coquettish woman臃肿的骚妇

20、Dogs don't humanitarian狗别走人道

21、Shameless bitch不要脸的贱人

22、Bastard you see all stunned王八看见你都被吓晕

23、当你发现对方依然穷追不舍,让你已经有点抓狂的时候,你可以说他(她)已经疯了、"Listen, you are out of your mind."

24、No rogue culture没文化的流氓

25、当你发现对方已经完全失去理智,你已经不想再和他(她)说话的时候,你可以说:"End of discussion."

26、Send you a word: cheap送你一个字、贱

27、 Fuck you the fucking fucker!你他妈的真混蛋!

28、You idiotic to pole你脑残到极点

29、You're a disgrace你真丢人

30、You're fucking two你真他妈的二

31、You have a lot of nerve.脸皮真厚。

32、当你觉得你们已经炒到要决裂的地步时,你终于无奈地说出了那句话:"We are done."

33、Have no conscience Beast没良心的畜牲

34、Stupid villain愚蠢至极

35、If you're looking for a fight you don't have to look far 如果你找人打架的话;不用找太远

36、当你心情很烦,但不想吵架的时候,你可以说、 "Can we talk about this later?"

37、I'm so fed up with your BS.Cut the crap.我受够了你的废话,少说废话吧!

38、Die hybrids死杂种

39、Covered with piles of mouth长满痔疮的嘴

40、Too young, too simple图样图森破

41、Won the most ugly Award荣获最丑奖

42、You'd better take that back 你最好收回那句话

43、Fuck up我顶你个肺

44、You are a manic patients你是一名狂躁症患者

45、The fucking mofo, I want to kill you!Cocksucker!你妈的,我要杀了你!贱人!

46、当你发现你最好的朋友竟然出卖了你的时候,你可以说、"Well, you taught me a great lesson."

47、Son of a bitch is not good龟孙子不乖

48、当你发现对方明明自己有错却在说你有错的时候,你可以说、“Look who's talking?"

49、The evil doer, get out妖孽,给我滚

50、You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!

51、Idiotic to myrrh medicine脑残到没药医

52、Monster from outer space外太空来的怪物

53、The monster comes the grave坟墓里出来的怪物

54、You're fucking piece of shit! 你他妈的就是一砣屎,你他妈的什么也不是!

55、What the hell is going on with that god damn dirty language stuff?那个满口脏话的家伙他妈的到底在干什么?

56、You're super metamorphosis你丫的超变态

57、The appearance of www.name2012.com harmless, twisted mind外表无害,心灵扭曲

58、Local tyrant can't tall, rich and handsome土豪成不了高富帅

59、More stupid than a pig比猪还笨

60、You are gonna get what's coming to you 你会得到报应的

61、当你和对方已经吵得不可开交,你已经想让对方去见鬼去了的时候,你可以说、“Go to hell!”或者" Kiss my ass!"

62、Stink Fox, get away as far as you can臭狐狸,死远点

63、You’re just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一个废物!/ 你一无是处!

64、The dog paralysis狗麻痹

65、Get the fucking my way!他妈的给我滚

66、No more idiotic than you没有比你更脑残的人

67、With excretory organ with me or not不要用排泄器官跟我囔囔

68、The cerebellum developed, not brain小脑发达,大脑没有

69、Mercenary man满身铜臭的人

70、The fucking mofo, I want to kill you!Cocksucker!你妈的,我要杀了你!贱人!

71、What the hell did you see that?我靠,你看到了吗?

72、The base prize for you最贱奖非你莫属

73、How to look like the idiot怎么看都像傻逼

74、Barking dog乱吠的狗

75、You want to take it outside?Anytime 你想到外面解决(干架)吗 随时奉陪

76、Covered with filth man满身污秽的人

77、Non biological simple thinking思想简单的非生物

78、Garbage trash talking垃圾人说垃圾话

79、当你心情很烦,但对方还是苦苦纠缠,让你已经有点生气地时候,你可以说、"I don't know what you are talking about. Sorry I have to go."

80、当你发现对方在背后说你坏话的时候你可以说、"I can't believe you could have done this to me!"

81、Neuropathy model神经病的典范

82、当你发现对方开始对你进行讽刺,挖苦的时候,你可以说、"Look, are you trying to make me feel bad?"

83、Don't Bitchy lousy bitch烂婊子别犯贱

84、The simpleton缺心眼的小人

85、This is such a bitchery. 那是贱女人的行为.

86、Your brain cramps你大脑抽筋

87、Make a bad烂逼一个

88、leave me alone. 走开。

89、A look that is a scourge一看就知道是个祸害

90、An idiotic person一级脑残人士

91、Thought dirty asshole思想肮脏的混蛋

92、Lascivious child淫荡娃儿

93、You are a bastard lamb你个王八羔子

94、Fuck you the fucking fucker!你他妈的真混蛋!

95、I'll get even with you sooner or later 跟你的这比帐 我迟早会要回来的

96、Shut up, idiot闭嘴,二货

97、Don't mess with me /Don't get fresh with me 不要若我/给我放尊重点

98、The bear kind熊样

99、You asshole你混蛋

100、I found a bitchiness on your face.我在你脸上找出泼妇的脾气.

101、The evil scumbag万恶的人渣

102、brick short of a load脑子少根筋

103、Don't fart别再放屁

104、What the hell is wrong with you?我靠,你到底怎么了?

105、You’re son of bitch! 婊子养的!

106、No matter how you look at it, you are like a pig.不管怎么看,你都像头猪

107、You're fucking piece of shit! 你他妈的就是一砣屎。

108、Why give up treatment为何放弃治疗

109、Listen you're picked the wrong person to quarrel with 听着 你找错吵架的对象了