网名推荐: 个性网名 情侣网名 伤感网名 女生网名 男生网名 英文网名
签名推荐: 伤感个性签名 超拽个性签名 情侣个性签名 搞笑个性签名 微信个性签名 英文个性签名
说说推荐: 伤感说说 心情说说 说说带图片 空间说说 空间说说 搞笑说说 爱情说说 自动回复


围观: 归属:空间说说 时间:2015-03-15 12:09



★I cry or laugh my quiet or mischief thank you seen also as I don't know


★I can a person without relationship


★here are a few hard candy just in my heart


★There will always be so feel oneself is a waste for a while


★Don't care about those sooner or later will leave my things and left It's not a big deal

★不在意那些早晚都会离开我的东西 离开就离开吧 没什么大不了的

★I am jealous and angry Had better not puzzling to provoke me

★我善妒又易怒 最好别莫名其妙惹我

★A sudden silence again remind of you of smile How long have you not

★突然沉默时又想起你的笑容 你不在多久了

★Growth is make you cry mute


★A long time no see communication contains how many sad


★How you know I am sad not sad regardless of my feelings


★Lose not reluctantly also no longer entwine


★Good will can not replace all


★I miss you www.name2012.com but i miss you


★In the most helpless when I have you accompany


★ My heart is tired to sleep


★Sometimes I just need someone to talk to


★What I remember fondly has nothing unsaid


★Forever cannot fill up void


★There is no remedy for love but to love more


★My heart is with you


★Ten years later you will be in the side who will be what kind of scenery


★Feeling that time really very happy but eventually left me


★ You are my forever can not be met for the stuff because you always not me


★To choose their own way don*t sore


★Time to say we can no longer greetings


★A friend is quality not quantity Potatoes boiled water is better than a car

★朋友要的是质量不是数量 土豆一车不如夜明珠一颗

★After all, you don't understand me I also only smiling without a word


★Time it taught me even hate you in the sight of the people also want to give him a smile

★时间它教会我 就算再怎么恨你眼前这个人也要给他一个微笑

★oke to a degree not selfish in the pain of others

