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围观: 归属:伤感说说 时间:2015-05-25 09:17




Each time, to some of the time, it is necessary to assess whether it is not going to continue. Because some people will only make you pain. Some people, just make you tangled. Some people, but really make you happy. So the assessment of love means your future results.. In fact, all the feelings, there are only three results: sad, unfortunately, can be cherished.


A friend from world view the same truth, because of the interests of the same concept of hypocrisy.


I laugh in the sun during the day, crying in bed at night.


The so-called surprise is that you are waiting for the rabbit came, followed by Wolf!


Your life only lasts for a few decades, don't give yourself left any regrets, smile smile, want to cry to cry, when the love to love, and it's meaningless to oppress yourself.


Can hurt me is not a break up, but those who have experienced years of wind and frost memories.


The so-called most memorable, is never remembered, but never forget.


What is! My clothes are thin again..


The cowardly people will only come to a standstill, a person can only lead to itself, only a brave man to carry the world before one.


If the fear of ups in front of the rock, life can only ever be a backwater.


I also become more dirty, not the small, only more dirty.


Q: which point do you like? A: I like you far from me.!


What is failure? What is nothing but a step closer to success? Is the road to failure, and there is only one way, that is the road to success..


That would pass by.. Our pain, our grief, our guilt.


The three VII phase Xu, only for the sacrifice once met.


East West sunrise rain, mentor ruthless I have the feeling.


I and you, step by step; I can neither come forward a step, accompany you or so; also can not step back, to find back a friend fulcrum, can only silently watching you, silently bless you.


Life and death do not bearish.


Once the feeling, left scars, a lifetime can not smooth.


Time flies, I Qinghuan, is there a place for me, wandering heart.


The time of quarrel, the difference between men and women are like between rifles and machine guns.


The man who indulged in the past and the memory is a coward, because she (he) dared not face the reality bravely.. What is the reality? Reality is change. There is no constant affection, no change of person.


Think what you really want and want to keep on thinking..


For you light a thousand years of blood and tears, as you sat on the world, fly far and high.


How much love, how much drunk, a plum jade Fang; drizzle, Fifi, the soul led dream.


Many times, do not expect to know some afterwards, the surface is pretend to be indifferent, with a smile to cover up, in fact, heart than what pain.


Maybe some people are very hateful, some people are very mean. When I put myself in my imagination, I know that he is more miserable than me. So please forgive all the people you've seen, the good guys or the bad guys..


I hope life is like a fire, smoke down, seven ignition, smoke eight.


The money is uncle! But do not owe more!


Embrace the greatest hope, for the greatest efforts, to do the worst..


Hand and hand even if there is air, mouth and mouth even if there is a breath of breath, heart and heart even when there is a distance.


Don't tempt your lover, for it is a lie to tempt another lie.. Don't cheat your lover, the so-called lie often bring malicious results. Two people together, the most important is honest and sincere, if need a relationship maintained by lies, it might as well as early as possible to break up. Love born in truth, die of hypocrisy.


The person in the journey, who will inevitably encounter some unpleasant thing, oneself want to learn to adjust, have the time to go to the countryside climbing to walk in the field! Have a look the vast endless sky; feel the mountain clear and bright.


I love you, for your happiness, I am willing to give everything --- including you.


I call you dear, because I love you, you call me baby, because you baby me.


There are two ways to pollute a place: garbage, or money.!


I have understood love is not everything, but found that everything is not love.


I also had a pair of wings, but I can't use it in the sky, but let it stew in the pot...


Happiness is accompanied by sorrow, and it would turn sunny. If rain remains after rain and sorrow remains after sorrow, please take those easy easy, and turn to the left.. Smile to look for an impossible to appear you!


I'll rot in the sunshine..


All self serving life, are irrational, animal life.


All say: love than not love more lonely, I said: love than don't love more sad.


The gorgeous, dissolved in the shadow of the reality and the bustling.


Man comes to this world to hold hands, because he wants a lot of things; when he dies, his hand is loosened, because he wants to open it..


The college students are too quality.! Come copy feather, actually by shear!


Love is the proof of the world.. We often see people together do not not love, love the people were forced to separate, which is the impermanence of life, and a lot of people blame yourself and do the best.
